Created in December 2005, Corpo Rastreado has always been a network. A network of diverse associated bodies that desire, imagine, invent, create and realize. Producers, artistes, technicians who plan, implement and believe in cooperation between bodies as the first material for artistic creation.
We are a junction of Multiple bodies
Say Yes SayNo
more yes than no
This is our motto We are bodies in process
We have time as an ally
Our bodies have walked many places
FESTIVALS THEATERS LIBRARIES São Paulo, Pará, Rio deJaneiro, Amazonas, Minas, World.crossed oceans
Corpo a fora
CorPoético CorPolítico Corpotência
To trace our history is to find traces of many other stories Testimonials
manifests that express
Our method is the process. Our ally is time. Our secret is affection .
Our practice is cooperative . Our policy is culture.