O AVARENTO / Cia Tabola Rassa (France)
An adaptation of the great classic, in which gold is replaced by water and the characters are “lived” by taps.
Yes, that's the point of this amazing spectacle.
Imagine, then, a fine dozen hydraulic materials that come to life to stage a version of madness and, therefore, faithful to the Avarento.
Imagine Harpagão, an old copper faucet, patiently accumulating drops of the precious liquid, while his son Cleante, chrome but dry, seeks to quench his thirst for love.
Imagine The Arrow, insolent servant, suspected of stealing his incorrigible master's cistern...
You will get an idea of the surprises in store for you with this unusual comedy about the scarcity of natural resources.
Original idea: Jordi Bertran
Creation: Olivier Benoit, Miquel Gallardo
Scenography: Xavier Erra, Xavier Saló / Delphine Lancelle
Creation of light: Daniel Ibor
Director: Olivier Benoit and Miquel Gallardo
Work performed in the International Festival of Puppet Theater | CCBB BeloHorizonte, Festival International Theater of Angra dos Reis, SESC Pinheiros, SESC Santo Amaro and SESC Itaquera.